These videos can be viewed in full screen mode.  First, activate the video and then hover over it until the bottom task bar appears, then click on the far right icon.
Excellent TR4 dash cam racing video.  The speedometer reads in KPH!
Great old movie segment featuring a TR4.  At about 3.20 it gets very interesting.  If you are driving a Herald, is this how you catch up to the group?!!!
Nicely documented restoration of an early TR4.
Body-off restoration of a TR250. 
Spitfire engine rebuild.  Animated . . .  How'd they do that?!
Not Triumph, but amazing!  Another "How'd they do that?" video.  Norton Commando transformer. 
Watch it to the end  .  .  .  what a great road.  Anyone care to sponsor a top-down tour ??!!
Be Sure to Watch in Full Screen Mode
Not Triumph.  A 1931 vintage film depicting a couple taking delivery of their new MG.  Included in the delivery is a tour of the factory at Abington.  Worth watching to see 80+ years of progress in automotive manufacturing!  About 15 minutes.
Sam Halkias in the #75 PLN TR6 Tribute car at the Kastner Cup held at Road
America on September 8, 2013 starts from the rear of a 40 car field with Tony
Garmy in the Triumph TR 250K alongside
The best in-car racing video you'll ever see!  Twenty minutes of pure adrenalin!  Turn up the sound and watch "Full Screen".
The history of Triumph TR series sports cars.  Lots of old movie footage of Triumph TR2, TR3, TR4, and TR6 cars.  Well worth watching!
Air-Cooled rotary engine in the trunk?  Really?!!
Fantastic!  Learn the principles of how a transmission works!
         How a Differential Works
You will see some fantastic motorcycle riding before the differential video begins.
Folding Car!  You have to watch the video to believe it!  Be sure to use 'Full Screen mode.
Video of Triumph factory 1950 - 1959
Testing Engines the 1950's BMC way!
Initial High Speed Testing of the New Triumph - the T.R.2.!
Excellent animation of the assembly of the TR6 engine and how it works (or how it should work if you put it together right)
Be Sure to Watch in Full Screen Mode
The TR Story. From its roots as a show car that was labelled a “death trap” to a much-loved icon of freedom on the open road, this video covers the amazing 28-year production run of the Triumph cars.
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